It serves as a centralized database that enables efficient storage, organization, and retrieval of information relating to teachers, their professional development, performance, and other relevant data.


Teacher Recruitment
Teacher Deployment and Management
Teacher Effectiveness & Performance Management
Teacher Attendance
School Management
Report Generation
How to apply for a Job on the TMIS System
Create an account here by filling the following details:
Enter your first name, middle name (if any) and last name
Email and password
Enter your valid email and proceed to create a password.
Log in to your account here by filling the following details
Enter your verified registered email
Enter your password
Navigate to the Jobs page and find your desired job.
Select a Job
Find a job and click on apply
Apply for a job
Fill all the required information on the jobs page and submit

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Contact Us
Block 5A, Federal Secretariat Complex,
Shehu Shagari Way, Central Area, P.M.B. 146, Garki, Abuja
Call Us
+234 000 123 45
+234 111 234 56
Email Us
Open Hours
Monday - Friday
9:00AM - 05:00PM